4 Next-Generation Tools To Gain Better Insights Into IT Anomalies

December 2016: While using a network may seem simple when you’re working, managing the backend is anything but. Protecting today’s interconnected systems from threats like ransomware, botnets, cyber espionage, and breaches keep getting more complex as technology evolves. How can your company keep up? Use next-generation tools. Next-gen tools offer much more than tools used …

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What’s a Keylogger and How Can You Prevent It From Capturing Your Passwords?

February 2015: How To Build Your IT Fort: The 7 Layers of Cybersecurity Your Business Needs To Manage Now Would you let someone shoulder surf while you type in your most valuable passwords? No way! Would you let them record your keystrokes using software? Maybe. Because you don’t know it’s happening. Keylogger spyware captures keystrokes …

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What Your Business Can Learn From The Sony Hack: 3 Managed Security Lessons

January 2015: The Sony hack makes one thing clear — it’s time for your business to do something about cybersecurity! Yes, security can be annoying (until you need it, that is) but there’s good news. By following a harden-and-monitor approach, smaller companies can protect themselves and stop the bad guys fast. This is especially important …

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7 Risky Security Practices: Are Your Employees Doing Any of These?

September 2014: Could your employees’ bad habits be putting your company at risk? Your employees don’t usually intend to be a weak link, but chances are they don’t fully understand what they’re supposed to do and why. Great policies help employees develop great habits! Great policies are short, clear, specific and easy to follow. Too …

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BYOD Update: What’s the Difference Between Mobile Security and Mobile Device Management?

August 2014: Mobile security was not that big a deal before smartphones leapt onto the scene. You just synced your contacts, calendar and email onto your Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) over USB and that was it. When WiFi and cellular data plans hopped in, PDAs and mobile phones fused into smartphones — BlackBerrys, specifically, became …

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Heartbleed and You: The Official Frog Report

May 2014:  One of the most widespread bugs ever to mess with the World Wide Web was just discovered — Heartbleed. To make matters worse, the bug has been around for two years! As most of the Internet scrambled to patch and protect itself from this massively pervasive security problem, many recommendations were tossed around. …

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