Compliance support.

Stay secure and prove it with documentation on demand.

Compliance is easier when you plan and execute by design.

If you need to comply with government regulations or industry standards like PCI, Leapfrog is built to deliver. Our methodology ensures your compliance program meets your goals and is part of your normal IT operations.

Cohesive compliance program

Leapfrog works with your compliance manager or your Leapfrog vCSO to translate your security goals and controls into individual steps and activities. The result? A written compliance program that your staff can understand and follow.

Audit support

Whenever you need to prove you’re adhering to standards, Leapfrog is there. We produce the required audit documentation, provide auditors with our SSAE-18 SOC 2 attestation letter, and can attend your audit meetings. Our third-party partners offer internal audits.

Leapfrog adheres to toughest security standards.

Leapfrog is SSAE-18 SOC 2 compliant, which means we meet the industry’s most stringent controls for security, availability, integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. If your internal compliance team doesn’t have the deep technical knowledge they need to develop your policies, procedures, and controls, one of our vCSOs can help as part of our CyberRisk Beyond IT program. Regardless of the regulations you must meet, we operate these controls at scale consistently:

  • Keep malicious out of your IT ecosystem
  • Encrypt data in transit and at rest on computers and servers
  • Monitor and report to look for and log potential threats
  • Perform backup and disaster recovery activities
  • Control access and data sharing

Specialized Leapfrog teams focus only on compliance processes.

Our daily internal process is managed by specialists who have been trained on compliance regulations and required processes. Once your compliance process is in place, Leapfrog follows it with extraordinary rigor. For organizations with proprietary platforms, we work with your internal team to interpret and manage your existing compliance program and make any changes to your environment or processes to comply with regulation changes.

  • PCI
  • SOX
  • SEC
  • CMMC