Top 5 Productivity Apps for Android, iPhone, BlackBerry (plus Windows Mobile and iPad, too)

Few things are more gratifying these days than finding really, really, really good apps out of the hundreds of thousands available — it can change your life! Lest you think we exaggerate, check out these amazing apps that let you save time, streamline your tech and take it all on the go. Bet you download at least one.

1. Evernote. For creating notes, organizing and searching, snap photos and voice memos (free). Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, iPad

2. DocumentsToGo. For viewing, editing and synchronizing Office Docs (free or up to $19.99, depending on version). Android, iPhone, BlackBerry, iPad

3. Dropbox. For accessing, uploading, sharing and syncing files (free). Android, iPhone, BlackBerry, iPad

4. CamCard. For capturing business card images and automatically importing the information (free – $11.99). Andriod, iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile

5. SafeWallet. For managing private information like passwords — Leapfrog wants you to be productive and safe ($2.99 – $5.95). Android, iPhone, BlackBerry

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