VoIP Grows Up! Is It Time For Your Business To Give Up Desk Phones, Too?

Are you connected to the Internet at home by both DSL and a cable modem? Why, no, that would be like throwing good money right out of the family pond! The same goes for having a computer network and a separate phone system at work.
VoIP (voice over Internet protocol) is a mature technology that works seamlessly even for international calls. This means that continuing to use a landline for your company’s desk phones can waste resources, put your team at a competitive disadvantage and keep information in silos— not good for efficiency or productivity. Connect those phones directly to your network, however, and voilá. You’ve included them in the streamlined world of unified communications (UC).
UC can be a game changer for almost any business. You can choose to integrate desktop phones, mobile phones, email, fax, text, video conferencing, instant messaging and more into a single, Internet-based platform (sometimes with a nifty dashboard, too). So it doesn’t matter what device you’re using when you communicate because every device is connected online. What a time saver!
Not only is VoIP unwinding the traditional phone industry, it’s changing the mobile phone industry, too. Why use your minutes when you can jump online and use your unlimited data plan instead? Products like GoogleVoice and others make using VoIP easy … and free. However, since the telephone service market keeps consolidating (the purchase of T-Mobile by AT&T is nearly complete, creating a three-player market along with Verizon and Sprint), finding a new unlimited data plan these days is as easy as finding a dial phone.
Desk phones themselves, in fact, may soon disappear. Many businesses see them as redundant because you don’t need to use a different phone just because you happen to be sitting at your desk. Today, mobile communications (which includes tablets) and UC are the places where business is truly happening … which means it’s happening everywhere.

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