Case studies.

Rapid Scaling of IT Operations Real Estate client (public company)

Strategic acquisition increased IT operations footprint by 50%+ (people, locations, infrastructure)

Business Problem
The IT for a newly acquired property needed to be rapidly and seamlessly integrated to meet tight timing expectations for a merger. The acquired property had disparate data centers, systems, applications, and data sets, and there were interoperability issues and gaps between software, phone systems, network, and data solutions. The acquired company also had a widespread geographical footprint that needed to be cutover in a single weekend.

Leapfrog Solution

  • Developed and implemented employee integration methodology to ensure post-merger functionality
  • Performed pre-merger data center migration to enable infrastructure consolidation and simplification
  • Executed simultaneous cutover and transition for 13 locations and 100+ employees
  • Designed a Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery (BCDR) model that prioritized mission-critical systems for real-time availability and protected everything else with storage and backup replication technologies

Business Results

  • The client met Wall Street expectations for merger timing — the key objective
  • Business-critical IT applications and services were functional and available for the entire organization by the deadline
  • Employees experienced a solid onboarding experience with their new employer
  • Core infrastructure, such as data center, network and disaster recovery, were implemented and ready to scale for future growth
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