R&D Task Force.

Research and test before deploying.

When you use solutions recommended by the experts responsible for delivering high-performing IT, you know they’ll work. Leapfrog’s R&D Task Force tests and grades everything before deploying — the solutions in your IT environment will be secure, manageable, and just what you need.

Seek out unbiased research.

The Leapfrog R&D Task Force is an interdepartmental team of IT professionals who rigorously test solutions — hardware, software, cloud apps, operating systems, etc. — to determine which meet Leapfrog’s standards and are suitable for our clients. We test both new solutions and existing solutions that have released new versions. Some criteria we evaluate are functionality, security, infrastructure requirements, interoperability, and vendor sustainability and risk. After testing, Task Force members prepare an in-depth report to present to the entire R&D Task Force.

After much discussion and debate, the R&D Task Force reaches a consensus on a solution’s final grade, like on a report card. All tested solutions and their grades are entered into the Leapfrog Matrix of IT Solutions.

Any incentives that may be offered by manufacturers are irrelevant to our testing and grading process. While we have great relationships with our partners (often manufacturers), they understand we are not resellers and we only use the most appropriate solutions for our clients’ environments, regardless of the manufacturer.

Build your business results from our test results.

​You continually benefit from our testing process. We apply the test results and our solutions matrix to:

  • Research new solutions to solve clients’ business problems
  • Evaluate general business and industry-specific market solutions in-house
  • Review and validate solutions that are of interest to you
  • Identify which existing solutions need retesting and evaluating — updated versions can add benefits but can also be unstable
  • Analyze our monitoring and tracking data to determine if certain solutions need review or are performing especially well
  • Verify the solutions in your IT environment continue to be the best ones to meet your business goals during the IT roadmap update process

In addition, if our R&D Task Force tests a new solution or version that gets an excellent grade and might help your business, we’ll let you know right away.

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