How To Do All Of Your Holiday Prep Using Only Apps: 19 Awesome Timesavers!

December 2013: Gone are the days when you had to run all over town to get ready for the holidays. No longer must you find a pen and paper. Or search for coupons. Or buy holiday cards. Or even remember which day of Chanukah it is.

Why? Because – there’s an app for that! Here are 19 free apps that can save you time, money, frustration and have you hopping into the holiday spirit:

1-4. Compare gift prices before you buy: Price Check by Amazon, RedLaser, ShopSavvy (Android and iOS), Buy Via (iOS)
5. Wrap your electronic gift: Gift Wrap App (iPad)
6. Open cyber presents: Christmas Gifts Live Wallpaper (Android)
7. Morph your face onto Santa’s head (eCard): Christmas Me Free (Android)
8. Morph your face and five friends’ onto a Jib-Jab Card: Elf Dance (iOS)
9-10. Plan your holiday grocery shopping: Publix, Kroger (Android and iOS)
11-12. Plan a healthier feast: Whole Foods (iOS), Spark Recipes (Android and iOS)
13. Decorate your cyber house: Holiday Lights Live Wallpaper (Android)
14. Know how many candles to light each night: Menorah-Chanukah (iOS), Menorah-Chanukah (Android)
15. Know the correct words to Christmas carols: Christmas Lyrics (iOS)
16-17. Regift after it’s all over: eBay (Android) eBay (iOS), Craigslist (Android), Craigslist (iOS)
18. Drop the holiday weight: MyFitnessPal (Android), MyFitnessPal (iOS)

19. Track your New Year’s resolutions: Free New Year’s Resolutions (Android)

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